Dr Jaya

Specialist Eating Disorder GP

Dr Jaya is a GP who qualified from Bristol University. She has worked in Emergency Medicine, Gynaecology and Psychiatry. Across these specialties she has maintained her interest in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders. She brings this broad base of expertise to The ABBI Clinic where she is able to help with a wide range of physical health concerns linked with eating disorders whilst also supporting the psychological aspects of the illness.

jaya verma

Dr Jaya is a GP who qualified from Bristol University. She has worked in Emergency Medicine, Gynaecology and Psychiatry. Across these specialties she has maintained her interest in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders. She brings this broad base of expertise to The ABBI Clinic where she is able to help with a wide range of physical health concerns linked with eating disorders whilst also supporting the psychological aspects of the illness.