Dr. Sonu Sharma

Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director

Sonu is a Consultant Psychiatrist with 18 years of experience in Eating Disorder treatment, training, and service development.

Alongside ABBI she is the lead Psychiatrist for the largest inpatient eating disorder unit in the UK based at Priory Cheadle Royal.

A contributor author to the most significant national guideline for severely unwell patients MARSIPAN/ MEED, as well as several other articles and research papers. She was an elected member of the Royal College executive committee where she was involved in updating national policies on eating disorders.

sonu sharma

Sonu is a Consultant Psychiatrist with 18 years of experience in Eating Disorder treatment, training, and service development.

Alongside ABBI she is the lead Psychiatrist for the largest inpatient eating disorder unit in the UK based at Priory Cheadle Royal.

A contributor author to the most significant national guideline for severely unwell patients MARSIPAN/ MEED, as well as several other articles and research papers. She was an elected member of the Royal College executive committee where she was involved in updating national policies on eating disorders.

I qualified from Manchester Medical School. I trained in Psychiatry in London at the Royal Free & UCL Hospitals. I undertook training posts in National Centres for Eating Disorders including at The Maudsley.

I have also spent time working in both Australia and the US in order to evaluate up-to-date international treatments available. My initial consultant post was in the NHS. In 2005 I took my consultant post at The Priory (the largest provider of independent mental health care in the UK).

In 2010, I was appointed the National Clinical Director for The Priory Eating Disorder Services. This involved responsibility for the oversight and clinical governance of 12 Eating Disorder Units across the country.

I was appointed Lead Consultant of the North West Priory Eating Disorder Service including inpatient, day treatment and outpatient settings.